Friday, August 19, 2011

Hopping towards the weekend....

Thinking of hopping......
Another Friday means another Hop --- Book Blogger Hop, that is.  Hosted by Jenn over at Crazy for Books, the Hop is a great chance to meet other bloggers, discover new blogs, and books, and generally have some fun through the weekend.   If this is your first time visiting my blog, Welcome!!   And if you've been here before -- welcome back!

This week's question is: What's the longest book you've ever read?

In recent memory, it would probably be The Name of the Wind by Patrick Rothfuss.  I have a copy of The Wise Man's Fear, but haven't started it yet.   The Name of the Wind comes in at 722 pages, so it's hefty.

I have read other long books - Stephen King's The Stand is long, and so is The Talisman, which he wrote with Peter Straub (I love that book).

I think it'll be interesting to see what other books people weigh in with this week.   Happy Hopping, everyone!!!


Madigan Mirza said...

I love that bunny picture! I read a lot of long books... although lately I've been in a bit of a reading slump and have only been tackling short ones.

Ann said...

722 pages - that is a healthy read! I don't mind reading long books as long as they keep my interest. I just need a long holiday to go with them ;)
Just hopping by - love the bunny pic too. Very cute.

Anonymous said...

hopping through

Anonymous said...

That's a lot of pages, happy Friday!

redhead said...

would have to be a tie between one of the George R R Martin books in a Song of Ice and Fire series and Rothfuss's Wise Man's Fear (sequel to Name of the Wind). both books are around a thousand pages. talk about a commitment!

Ruth Cox aka abitosunshine said...

I had to check into "The Wise Man's Fear" -- 1008 pages, wow!

New follower via the Book Blogger Hop!

Jo K said...

Those are bulky books. Have a great weekend and thanks for stopping by my blog:)

Two Bibliomaniacs said...

I've not heard of The Name of the Wind, but I did enjoy The Stand. Most Stephen King books are quite lenghty!

Kat @ NoPageLeftBehind said...

Love love love Pat Rothfuss! I agree with Ruthi - despite the intimidating length of The Wise Man's'll be sad when it's over :)

Christy @ TheReaderBee said...

Wow!! 722 pages is a pretty hefty book! Thanks for hopping by!

Jenni Elyse said...

I want to read The Stand, but I haven't got to it yet.

Danielle Zappavigna said...

The Stand was my answer :-) So long, but easy to read.

KarenSi said...

I have read all of the books you listed and loved them. I think I will need to read The Name of the Wind again before I read the second one. I loved The Talisman. King at his best.

Susan said...

The Stand is popping up a lot. I've only read King's earlier, shorter books. They were scary enough for me.

Katie said...

sorry for the late reply, I mean seriously it's tuesday already! Thanks for visiting and your my hero doing King's long books!!

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