I have a confession to make. Until fairly recently, although I knew about Lisa Scottoline's books, I had never read any of them. It wasn't that they didn't sound good -- it was just that I never seemed to get around to them. However, I was at a conference a few months back and had an opportunity to hear Ms. Scottoline say a few words (actually, as part of a group of authors at a tea. Yes, a tea. With little sandwiches). At any rate-- she was so funny, and so likeable, that I found myself really wanting to read her books. And then, I forgot again, no doubt because I was distracted by the shiny new books on the library's display shelves.
I did, however, see that she had a new book out, a series of essays, and it sounded good. So, I put a hold on our library's copy, and then promptly forgot about the book until it came in for me the other day. And then I read it. I started it while I was in bed, thinking it would make for good before-sleep reading. This was a mistake on my part, because I was laughing so hard right away that I knew that it would keep me awake. So, I read for a while, and laughed a lot, and then put it down. Until I was up at 3:00 am ... picked it up, and finished it. The book lasted about a day. And now, I'm going to go to the library and find her other books and check them out. And I'll be looking up her column in the Philadelphia Inquirer, too.
Just goes to show you --- sometimes, an opportunity to hear an author can be a really wonderful thing, even if you don't know all of their books (or any of them, as it was in this case). If you ever have an opportunity to see Lisa Scottoline speak, got for it --- she's very cool, and very funny (and really smart, too). And this book is great.
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