But I digress. What I do like about Thanksgiving, other than the amazing pumpkin pie crunch I'm making to bring on Thursday, is that it is a good opportunity to take a bit of time and reflect on what I'm thankful for. So, I thought I'd work that into a Library Lagniappe post.
I am thankful for the fact that I changed careers to become a Librarian, because even though it meant taking a pay cut from my previous career, it means that I am in a position where I can help people and make a difference (instead of working through in-bins of paperwork every day and feeling like it made no difference at all).
I am also thankful for the patrons who come in, and return my smile, even if they don't stop at the desk. I'm one of those people who smile at everyone, and I will tell you --- not everyone smiles back. In fact, many people don't smile back. So, when someone does, it just makes your day. Extra points go to one of my favorite patrons, a man I call "Tall, Dark and Handsome" -- he is not only one of the nicest people to look at, but he has an amazing smile. Yes, I know I'm married .... so is he, and it's perfectly okay if we smile at one another.
I am thankful for the people who say "thank you" because they make up for the ones who don't. Simple, really, but it can give you quite the lift when one person says thank you.
I am thankful for these kinds of interactions, because now that I work with the public, I am much more aware of how I am when I interact with people. I make sure I say please, and thank you, and smile. Even if I'm grumpy --- because I know how it feels to be on the receiving end.
And, I'm thankful to be where I work, with people I like, in a nice work environment. Even on the worst day, I can always count on a smile from a co-worker ---- or, at the very least, a stroll down an aisle to find some great reading material.
Thanks to everyone who visits their library, and supports us! I didn't want to leave that out. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!!
From one library employee to another, I have to say that I love this post. Isn't it funny how you can be having the worst day, and just that one kind and appreciative patron can turn it all around. Nice people are awesome.
Happy Thanksgiving to you. Enjoy your pumpkin pie crunch!
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