Now that it's Monday, it's time for another Book Blogger Confessions, a meme co-hosted by For What It's Worth, along with Tiger from All-Consuming Media on the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, to discuss some of the challenges that are unique to book bloggers.
This Monday's question is: Deadlines for reviewing and blogging. Do you set them? How do you keep them? What do you do if you can't meet a deadline?
I will admit, shamefully, that I have sometimes blown past a promised deadline. As hard as I try, it has happened, and I always feel awful about it.
I don't really like deadlines the most of the time, and if I'm asked to give a review, I will give a general idea of when my review will appear. Usually, I need about 2-3 weeks. However, I so ask the author/publisher (whoever has requested the review) if they have a specific date, or date range in mind. If they do, I mark it in my calendar and I try to make sure I have the book read and my review written before that date.
But does this always work? Um.... no. Like many bloggers, I have a full-time job. And a husband. And a life outside reading and blogging. That means that sometimes, I don't get in as much reading time as I would like, or I don't get my review written on time. But, I do my best.
For blogging, I try to keep on a somewhat regular schedule --- Monday memes like this one help keep me on track. I try to post a book review 1-2 times per week, usually on Mondays or Fridays. I do keep my Wednesdays open for Wordless Wednesdays, and my Sundays open for an occasional post, as well. This works better with my work schedule, and I've found it's easier when I have a pattern to follow.
I'm looking forward to seeing what other bloggers have to say on this topic. Have a great Monday (and week)!
February Reading Wrap Up+
1 week ago
Patterns help me, too. If I know what's coming it's easier for me to stay organized while trying to juggle all of my other responsibilities. One less thing to think about!
I now have an Excel spreadsheet with publishing dates on and a google calendar full of proposed posts. I have to keep to the schedule as it will all come tumbling down otherwise. It is hard with other commitments, but now I have set aside Monday's to write all my posts for the week and do blog maintenance.
I think we all do our best when it comes with blogging and life. Its the only thing we can do with this hobby. I have also made a point to not post as much.
That's a good way of wording it - a pattern - that's what I do. I have an idea of what I want to do but not a specific schedule.
I very rarely take review requests so when they do come up I have several months to review. But I do still find myself scrambling at times. I have to be in the mood to read whatever it is.
I keep track of the books that I receive for review and *try* to review them in the order that I recieve them. That doesn't always work out by it is my intention.
I have also started to schedule posts in advance (usually 1 week). I am with my girls during the day, work evenings, and *try* to fit time with my husband in there somewhere ;) so there are times that life just gets in the way and I don't have much reading/blogging time. Those are the times that I am especially thankfull to have about a weeks worth of posts ready to go!
Bonnie @
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