Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly meme hosted by MizB of Should be Reading. Here's my 2 teaser sentences for today:
p. 77 "It was an all-you-can-eat demon buffet, and I went back for seconds."
"She was repulsed and fascinated, a sharp pungent mixture."
This is taken from Confessions of a Demon by S.L. Wright. Our library doesn't own this book, so I interlibrary loaned it --- and just finished it today.
January Reading Wrap-Up+
1 week ago
Ohhhh, good teaser!! Love it! I love your blog, also! What a fab header! I have always been fascinated with cemeteries and old tombstones. Morbid, I know, but cool, lol!
Hi! Sorry for the late reply -- I had a crazy couple of days recently. Photographing old cemeteries is a hobby of mine -- the header picture is from a German church cemetery in Maine.
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