Thursday, November 24, 2011

2012 Challenge -- selected!

After some deliberation, I have chosen my one challenge for 2012:  The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Challenge from Booking in Heels. 

Here's the skinny about the challenge:  For those who don't know, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was a film released in 2003 based on a graphic novel by Alan Moore (of Watchmen fame). The movie features various classic book characters who all form a League to stop various classic villians from taking over the world. 

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to read the original book featuring each of the main characters and post a review of each between 1st January 2012 and the 31st December. 

I think I can definitely do this.  I've seen the movie (yes, it's not the best movie in the world, but I do love me some Sean Connery.....).   I've updated my Challenges Page accordingly, so stay tuned for reviews!!


1. Lit Addicted Brit said...

I've signed up for this challenge too and am really looking forward to it. I keep changing my min about what I'm most looking forward to though! I think either Phantom of the Opera or the Sherlock Holmes.

It's always nice to have an excuse to re-watch Sean Connery in action too :)

2. Jessica said...

I'm signing up for this one as well, looking forward to reading those classics

3. Ana S. said...

This is such an awesome idea for a challenge. Good luck and have fun!

4. Hanna @ Booking in Heels said...

Your ONE challenge!? Wow, I'm honoured that you've chosen to go with mine!

I'm not sure which I'm looking forward to most - an excuse to watch Sean Connery or finally getting through all those classics :)

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