Friday again? I don't know about you, but I'm glad it's the end of the week! And, it's
TGIF at GReads --- today's question is:
Which books are at the top of your list to be read this year (old or new releases)??

I have a few books checked out from the library that I'd like to get to by the end of the month, but I have my eye on a few titles that will be coming out in the next months, as well. Plus, I need to get cracking on my classics for the one challenge I signed up for.

I'm looking forward to seeing what everyone else has chosen ---
Happy Friday, everyone!!
Bitterblue! It's been way too long since I've read Fire and Graceling, so I'm hoping to do a reread before Bitterblue comes out :)
I can't wait for that China Mieville!
I have not read any of the above or seen them, but I will check them out.
Some interesting choices...I have not heard of these. I will check them out.
Anna dressed in blood looks so creepy but GOOOD! I have to read soon too:D
My TGIF & FF ((:
-thank you&come again.
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