Friday, January 6, 2012


Since it's a new year, thought I'd try something different on a Friday -- TGIF @ GingerReads!   I've seen a lot of bloggers's TGIF posts, and since I am glad that it's the end of another week, figured I'd join in.   

So -- this Friday's question is:  Reading Resolutions: What are some of your reading goals for the new year?

* I resolve to read more books that are on my personal bookshelves.   I plan to revisit some of my favorites, and also read books that I bought and haven't gotten to yet.  I don't usually buy a lot of books, and when I do, they tend to be ones that I have already read ...   but I have a handful sitting there that I picked up because they looked good and I should read them and find out.

* I resolve to read some classics.  I signed up for the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Challenge this year, and that will get me reading some classics.   Actually, I can't wait!

* I resolve to get through my review requests in a more timely manner.  Once in a while, I let something completely slip and I'm going to get better about that.   

I think that's it, at least, for right now.    I'm more or less happy with the amount that I read, and I'm looking forward to doing lots of reading in the new year.   However, I'm sure I'll get some more ideas as a I visit around and see what other readers have to say for this Friday's question.

Happy Friday, everyone!!!!     And thank you. Ginger, for getting my Friday off to a good start!!!


Annette Mills said...

Great goals -- I always put off reading classics too, even thought I have several on my list. I'm enjoying reading everyone goals -- and adding to mine! Thanks for visiting and good luck with your reading goals.

Karen said...

I wanted to read more classics last year and never made it through one so I'm going to attempt it again this year.
I've pretty much stopped accepting requests which is one of my goals - don't take on more than I can handle. Last year was out of control and burned me out.

SarahO. said...

There are so many classics I want to read but I only seem to end up reading them if they're required for a class... or if they're by Jane
Love your blog design by the way!

Stepping Out of the Page said...

Great post, good luck with your goals! I really need to read more classics this year.

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My Follow Friday

Alexa S. said...

I'm trying to be more scheduled when it comes to review requests and so far, so good. I just hope I can keep doing it!

The Princess of Everything said...

Hey! Thanks for stopping by my blog. Lori does amazing work. Everytime I see a blog design I like, I scroll to the bottom and every single time, its her work! lol No suprise, she is the best there is! I haven't heard of the League of Extraordinary Gentleman Challenge, but it sounds like loads of fun! I always mean to start getting into the classics and always seem to forget. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I love rereading favorites from my shelves. If only there was more time to spare!

Good luck accomplishing your goals this year. Thanks for stopping by my TGIF post.

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