Book Blogger Confessions (hosted by For What It's Worth and Tiger's All-Consuming Media) is a meme that posts the 1st and 3rd Monday of every month, where book bloggers "confess" and vent about topics that are unique to us. Feel free to share, vent and offer solutions.
Today's question is: Memes. Love em or hate em? How many do you participate in? Which kinds do you like best? Do you feel like there are too many?
I have gone back and forth on some memes, and now, I feel like I've settled into my groove with them. I admit that I don't participate faithfully every single week (because some weeks just get away from me). Also, for the ones with a weekly question (or semi-weekly question), I don't always find I have a lot to say, so I might not choose to participate that week. However, the ones I participate in are ones that I not only enjoy posting for own my own blog, but ones where I have an opportunity to spend some time visiting other blogs.
The ones I participate in are Wordless Wednesday, TGIF, and Book Blogger Confessions. This is enough for me to keep up with, more or less. I like WW because I like the opportunity to post my own photos, and also see all the wonderful photos other bloggers are posting. The other 2 memes create discussion, which I really like.
I do try to make sure that my blog isn't just memes -- I try to post at least 1-2 reviews per week, so that there's a balance here. And that's my answer --- what are your thoughts??
February Reading Wrap Up+
1 week ago
I also really like the memes that create discussion! This Book Blogger Confession meme is probably my favourite meme to see around as the questions and answers are always really fun to read.
I don't usually visit blogs that post nothing but memes but that's their choice and I'm sure some people love all-meme blogs! :)
I enjoy the WW although I don't see it around too many blogs. I should probably try to participate one of these weeks.
I'm pretty laid back about memes now. I just do them when I have something to say - if not I don't bother with it that week.
I don't really do any memes and in general am not a big fan of them. I groan on Wednesdays and Saturday night/Sunday morning when practically all I see are Waiting on Wednesday and In My Mailbox. It's just kind of boring-I much prefer those with a weekly question or to actually get some reviews.
Ohhh...a photo meme? Sounds ridiculously fun!
For me, it is all about finding that balance like you mentioned. I try to balance original content with memes. I also love discussion memes or those that encourage a dialogue between commenters beyond "Oh I want that book too" (although that being said I do enjoy the occasional WOW!).
Finding the balance between posting memes and original content is the key. I like participating in memes but only if I really have something to say about the subject. I have been known to skip memes at times.
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