Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Wordless Wednesday --- rainy day

Portland Zoo goat looking at rain-ww


Indrani said...

It is contemplating whether to go out or not. :)

Ihsan Khairir said...

wow, what a perfect capture! so inspiring :)

not many sheep can be found where I live, maybe someday i can try a similar shot with cats... if i'm lucky enough!

Danielle S said...

The way that he is just staring outside..Too funny. Thanks for sharing.

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caite said...

looks wet out there...maybe it is a day to stay in..

Carol @ Always Thyme to Cook said...

Great shot! Good day to stay in. Same here the past few days.

Karen Harrington said...

I would love to see the thought bubble above his/her head. Sweet.

Ingrid said...

then it's better to stay inside and wait until it stops raining !

Jenni Elyse said...

Love this picture! I love the contrast in light and dark. And, I love how it shows the sheep's hesitation to go out in the rain.

Jo K said...
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Jo K said...

It seems to be just grateful it doesn't have to go out. Love the photo!

Roan said...

Decisions, decisions. Wonderful shot.

Meg @ write meg! said...

This made me smile! I'd stay inside where it's dry, too.

Beth F said...

Love this! Much nicer to stay dry and watch from the doorway.

Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

Nice perspective. If I was wearing a white coat I'd stay out of the mud too.

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